Nikolai Xanadu had a dazzling performance dropping 39 points, I spotted a few scouts I had recognized from appearances on ESPN watching the game, probably very impressed. I'm sure in no time will Xanadu be on the Pacers starting. With the new addition of back up Center Kyryllo Fesanko, I'm sure Xanadu will work well with Fesanko although personally I have never seen him play. There has been speculation that Xanadu will be changing his number to 39 but it is not certain yet. I haven't found much news about him this week and this article would be longer but by accidentally i deleted it and lost it all so I'm trying to remember everything I wrote so I don't have to do anymore research. The pacers are very impressed with his 1 NBA start last year having a 16 point, 3 assist, 2 rebound game as is first start that is one of the best I have seen coming from a guy that is more defensive than offensive. Something that Carmelo Anthony should learn from (hahaha) but on a side note Carmelo Anthony is one of my favorite players and he has been getting A LOT better on his "D." I will wrap up my weekly Xanadu news check in here with 2 pictures and a farewell. The first picture is from his high school and the second was from his freshmen year of high school.
Thanks for reading Nikolai Xanadu's #1 fans page this week I will try to keep y'all posted with all the Xanadian news I find out (trust me it's SUPER hard.)
Thanks Again, here are the pics
Xanadu in his younger years of High School
And Xanadu in his last year of high school (I found out he transferred high schools in his last year.