Friday, August 8, 2014

Xanadu Signed by Knicks

It's Official: Touted Prospect Nikolai Xanadu after taking leave from the Pacers, ending his tenure with the Pacers and the NBA temporarily by doing so has been signed by the Knicks. He was undrafted in the 2014 NBA Draft but the Knicks have been keeping a close eye out for him, and reviewing his tapes over the last few months. Here is the video that in my opinion probably got the Knicks to sign him. If Xanadu can show off these types of moves in a real NBA game then I cannot see how the Knicks could not be contenders. Xanadu Skills Mixtape. Overall I am very happy about this and believe that Xanadu will make a profound impact on the NBA and especially on the Knicks now that he can focus solely on NBA, having graduated College now. Not only does Xanadu have my approval and most of New York's approval so far as this New York Times Article shows down below but also it appears the Lil B the Based God has shown immense support for the young star when he uploaded these "memes" and photos to Facebook to his Facebook page (the first photo a picture of Lil B j chillin with Xanadu, the second photo showing Thank You Based God as Based God was one who helped the New York Knicks with their decision, showing them Xanadu and how much of a profound impact he could make to their team, and the final photo showing Kevin Durant crying as he sees how good the knicks are now and because Based God hates Kevin Durant):
Here is some fan art I found that Knicks fan made while he awaits Xanadu's debut.

Happy Birthday Andrew!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I'm back

Dear my fans,
Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while, just Nikolai Xanadu news has been scarce, but guess what guys. I HAVE FORAGED SOME MORE NEWS. Alright so there have been some rumors of a pacers trade for Dwight Howard packaging off Xanadu and 2 other prospects, Lakers have been very interested due to Xanadu's glory and success so far, of him possibly being the next LeBron James, and also that Dwight Howard hasn't been the best match for the Lakers so far, both on the court, and off the court with the whole Kobe Bryant/Dwight Howard mess. Now although I am a pacers fan, if this happened it would likely insure Xanadu a starting role in the Lakers as he is blossoming as a young basketball player. Now if you guys have been watching ESPN etc. they have quickly mentioned Xanadu but didn't linger too long, but on ESPN 3, last night, they talked about Xanadu and then he himself in his full glory came on for an interview in full uniform!!!! I was like, "WHAT!!" Well sure enough you can tell that I will be posting more topics on this forum, I see I have 143 hits, on this page lets keep it up, also... plz plz plz leave comments below on each post, I want to know who u fans are. Also this is quite strange I a short whiles after creating this website as tribute to Nikolai Xanadu and about all news from and about him, created a blog just to show my friend a few pix, now apparently I have 6083 page views!!! I want to know who is so excited about that website. Plz comment here if it's you. Thanks a lot and see y'all soon. :D

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Xanadu drops 39 on the board, Nelson Anderson suffers an injury

In a spectacular performance my Nikolai Xanadu in his Development League teams win. Nikolai really had a quite spectacular game last night. There were some NBA scouts that i spotted in the crowds (the only reason i actually could spot them was that I recognized them from their other appearances on ESPN) well anyway I'm sure that they are sure impressed with the work Xanadu does for them on the court. I personally feel that if Xanadu will be with the Pacers by the end of this year that he will work excellently with new addition to the Pacers roster, Kyryllo Fesanko. A strange name and I hadn't heard of him until I saw it on the Pacers website but from what they said is that he is an excellent Center and when he is given the time to play, he will rise up to the occasion and win the game for them. He has a large ego which would fit in perfectly with Xanadu. *I just read this tonight that Xanadu with his magnificent game last night in honor of the 39 points he put up, is going to change his number on his uniform to 39.*
As I begin to wrap up this weeks entry about Xanadu, I have a great feeling that after his only start with the pacers, a 16 point, 5 assist, 2 rebound night left an excellent impact on the people around there and in no time will Xanadu be on the Pacers. I'm sorry I had trouble finding pictures so I only have 2 of him, one from last night and one from his high school year. Showing from last night at the top to his high school year at the bottom. (For the picture I found from last night of Xanadu, I'm not sure if this is actually him playing last night, It may be from a previous year, but the one on the left is Xanadu. Thanks for reading my weekly Xanadu news I will keep all the Xanadu fans as engaged as I can.
-Nikolai Xanadu's #1 Fan

*That is only speculation though I'm not sure if that is even true. Just rumors.
Nikolai Xanadu Haiku
Xanadu is cool
he is good
Xanadu is cool

Xanadu has showed up once in the playoffs and got 8 points in 13 minutes was a stunning performance. This is the weekly news of Nikolai Xanadu. GO PACERS.

Exciting news, now if you search Nikolai Xanadu in google search, this website is the first hit.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Thanks to one of our fans

I want to give a big thanks to a big Xanadu fan. This guy emailed me a picture of him from his only start last year. I really want to thank this guy because that picture is a gem, I have been searching and searching and never found it. This person does not want me to disclose his name, but I thank him for this photo. He said it was the 300,000 hit on google images for Derrick Rose Block. I really want to thank him and this means a lot to me and I'm sure Nikolai Xanadu likes that he is getting some more fame around town.
So here is the photo.
Xanadu trying to get a pass out of this jam but Derrick Rose (Left), with the help of Carlos Boozer (right) blocked Xanadu.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Nikolai Xanadu drops 39, Nelson Anderson suffers from ankle injury

Nikolai Xanadu had a dazzling performance dropping 39 points, I spotted a few scouts I had recognized from appearances on ESPN watching the game, probably very impressed. I'm sure in no time will Xanadu be on the Pacers starting. With the new addition of back up Center Kyryllo Fesanko, I'm sure Xanadu will work well with Fesanko although personally I have never seen him play. There has been speculation that Xanadu will be changing his number to 39 but it is not certain yet. I haven't found much news about him this week and this article would be longer but by accidentally i deleted it and lost it all so I'm trying to remember everything I wrote so I don't have to do anymore research. The pacers are very impressed with his 1 NBA start last year having a 16 point, 3 assist, 2 rebound game as is first start that is one of the best I have seen coming from a guy that is more defensive than offensive. Something that Carmelo Anthony should learn from (hahaha) but on a side note Carmelo Anthony is one of my favorite players and he has been getting A LOT better on his "D." I will wrap up my weekly Xanadu news check in here with 2 pictures and a farewell. The first picture is from his high school and the second was from his freshmen year of high school.

Thanks for reading Nikolai Xanadu's #1 fans page this week I will try to keep y'all posted with all the Xanadian news I find out (trust me it's SUPER hard.)

Thanks Again, here are the pics
Xanadu in his younger years of High School

And Xanadu in his last year of high school (I found out he transferred high schools in his last year.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Nikolai Xanadu Best D=League Prospect???

Well, Nikolai Xanadu has been object of a lot of controversy of whether or not he could commit to the Pacers full time as their new shooting guard. Well many people don't want to let go of their excellent shooting guard Daren Colision, but I for one thinks that Xanadu has a much more promising magic touch. The way that he can just hurl the ball full court and sink it amazes me and I think that the Pacers need a guy like this to use at every moment in a game. Also his good friend Roy Hibbert and him are very close and Mr. Hibbert often likes dunk simultaneously with him and see who gets a concussion first. This team work will be a wonderful asset for the Pacers and Xanadu will truly give them a chance of making the Pacers getting a shot at the playoffs every season.

Thanks for reading this website and I will have new articles daily, weekly, or monthly.

Picture of Daren Collision 

Pic of Roy Hibbert, Xanadu's close friend

Picture of Nikolai Xanadu chucking a full court shot